The Zacatecas Mining Cluster, AC is currently building and putting into operation its Binational Compatible Mining Center by the end of 2021. The Center arises from the collaboration of the members of the Clusmin Zacatecas and the COZCyT through the Mixed Fund Trust and has The objective is to investigate, disseminate and train the mining sector on topics such as occupational safety, health and the environment.


In order to change the current paradigm of extraction mining, the Center will offer training services and design of supply development projects for the mining sector. One of the decisive factors for installing this center has been the need to create economic and social development options for the communities in which the mines operate, combining social innovation with environmental sustainability.

The Center maintains academic and research links through Clusmin Zacatecas with the most important universities that offer careers oriented to mining, metallurgy and earth sciences, including the Autonomous University of Zacatecas, the National Polytechnic Institute and the University of Queensland in Australia.


For the CLUSMIN of Zacatecas it is essential that its Center links and interacts with other research, academic and business centers, in this lies the innovation that makes the change.