Quantum City of Knowledge is a scientific-technological park located in the capital of the state of Zacatecas. Built with public and private investment, its mission is to serve as an ecosystem that fosters innovation, development, and competitiveness in the region. It operates through the concept of the penta-helix (academia-business-government-society-environment) and embraces the paradigm of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0), aiming to be economically sustainable, environmentally responsible, and socially accountable.

STAGE 1 - 2016

Quantum becomes a reality starting from January 2016 with the initial urbanization work of a first stage consisting of 5 hectares.

STAGE 2 - 2018

In 2018, the construction of the second stage of urbanization begins, totaling 6 hectares, which is completed in 2021 as part of the goals of the state administration.

STAGE 3 - Starting from 2022

Starting in 2022, Quantum City of Knowledge has growth and consolidation objectives. This includes urbanizing at least 5 additional hectares for the installation of service areas, residences, sports facilities, among others.


Quantum City of Knowledge has a Master Plan with a perspective to 2035, representing the future vision for the scientific-technological park of Zacatecas. This plan includes the construction of an Ethnobiological Garden, utilizing the designated 18.40 hectares of natural reserve along the Talamantes stream that crosses the Quantum property. Additionally, the construction of Phase B of Stage 2 of urbanization is planned. Stage 3 involves urbanizing just over 4 hectares to accommodate spaces for more research centers and other service areas.

In the future, Quantum will host at least 20 additional technology research and development centers beyond those currently in operation. Additionally, recreational areas have been incorporated into the project.